Effective leaders know themselves - do you?

Leaders who know themselves well are more effective because they communicate clearly, make good decisions and build strong relationships. It is common knowledge in most management corridors. But major studies show that only about 10-15% of leaders know how to reflect at a level that makes them better leaders.

In 2021, we conducted a survey among 65 managers from both private and public organisations, asking them when and how they reflect.

The responses showed that the vast majority of managers wished they had more time to reflect.

Managers worry about the lack of time and fear that it may affect their:
- Professional achievements and career (86%)
- Employees (82%)
- Private lives (66%)
- Health (49%)
- Other (8%)
- No consequences (0%)

If the managers reflected more it would give them:
- A larger overview
- Ability to be more curious and present
- More calm in stressful situations
- More joy
- A stronger foundation for decisions
- Better balance between work life and private life
- Energy to create more opportunities for themselves and others
- Stronger decision power
- Higher self-confidence
- Opportunity to boost well-being among employees

Based on the survey, we assessed that the managers would like to reflect more, and that they cannot find the time for it. This is a known problem with many managers. That’s why we developed a tool for busy managers to help them reflect on the go. E.g. between meetings, during transport and when they have time to themselves at the weekend.

The tool became Reflection on the go. A series of short audio files to help managers reflect and calm their thoughts and concerns.

We hope you enjoy the audio-reflections, and should you want to know more, we hold lectures and management workshops on the subject.

Kind regards,
Nina Albrektsen and Mirja Bang
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